Top 50 Powershell commands for security analyst : Part 2
Welcome back in the series of “security analysis 101" where we understand things and solve patterns in them with easy solution. Let’s start with introduction first.
Here I will cover other 25 remaining Powershell commands which we couldn’t cover in last blog due to long content.
Software and Package Management
26. Get-WmiObject: Fetches installed software information.
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product
27. Install-Package: Installs a software package using a package manager like Chocolatey.
Install-Package -Name "GoogleChrome"
28. Uninstall-Package: Uninstalls a software package.
Uninstall-Package -Name "GoogleChrome"
29. Get-Package: Lists installed software packages.
30. Update-Help: Updates the PowerShell help system.
Security and Execution Policy
31. Get-ExecutionPolicy: Shows the current execution policy for scripts.
32. Set-ExecutionPolicy: Sets the script execution policy.
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
33. Get-Acl: Retrieves the security descriptor for a file or folder.
Get-Acl -Path "C:\Path"
34. Set-Acl: Sets permissions on a file or folder.
Set-Acl -Path "C:\Path" -AclObject $acl
35. Get-AuthenticodeSignature: Retrieves digital signature information from a file.
Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath "C:\Path\file.exe"
Miscellaneous Commands
36. Clear-Host: Clears the PowerShell screen.
37. Out-File: Sends output to a file.
Get-Process | Out-File -FilePath "C:\Processes.txt"
38. Measure-Object: Calculates properties of objects, such as file sizes.
Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum
39. Start-Process: Starts a new process.
Start-Process "notepad.exe"
40. Stop-Process: Stops a running process.
Stop-Process -Name "notepad"
41. Get-Date: Retrieves the current system date and time.
42. Restart-Computer: Restarts the local or a remote computer.
Restart-Computer -ComputerName "Server01"
43. Stop-Computer: Shuts down the local or a remote computer.
Stop-Computer -ComputerName "Server01"
44. Invoke-WebRequest: Retrieves data from a web page or web service.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri ""
45. Export-Csv: Exports objects to a CSV file.
Get-Process | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Processes.csv" -NoTypeInformation
46. ConvertTo-Json: Converts an object to JSON format.
Get-Process | ConvertTo-Json
47. Select-String: Searches for text patterns in strings or files.
Select-String -Path "C:\Logs\log.txt" -Pattern "Error"
48. Get-Command: Lists all available PowerShell cmdlets, functions, workflows, aliases, etc.
49. Start-Transcript: Records a session of PowerShell commands and output.
Start-Transcript -Path "C:\Logs\transcript.txt"
50. Stop-Transcript: Stops the recording of the session started by Start-Transcript.
By mastering these 50 commands, that significantly enhance my productivity and effectiveness in handling various security tasks during incident response practices.
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