Top 50 Powershell commands for security analyst : Part 1

Nikhil Chaudhari
2 min readNov 3, 2024


Welcome back in the series of “security analysis 101" where we understand things and solve patterns in them with easy solution. Let’s start with introduction first.


In this blog I will cover top 50 commands of powershell which are used by security analyst in day to day tasks.

I have divided this topic in two part of 25 - 25 commands each. Here we will see 25 commands.

System Information Commands

  1. Get-Process: Lists all running processes.

2. Get-Service: Retrieves the status of services.


3. Get-ComputerInfo: Displays detailed information about your system.


4. Get-EventLog: Fetches system, application, or security logs.

Get-EventLog -LogName System

5. Get-Help: Provides detailed help on any PowerShell command.

Get-Help Get-Process

File and Folder Management

6. Get-ChildItem: Lists all files and directories within a path.

Get-ChildItem C:\Path

7. New-Item: Creates new files or directories.

New-Item -Path "C:\Path\NewFolder" -ItemType Directory

8. Remove-Item: Deletes files or directories.

Remove-Item -Path "C:\Path\file.txt"

9. Copy-Item: Copies files and directories from one location to another.

Copy-Item -Path "C:\Path\file.txt" -Destination "D:\Backup"

10. Move-Item: Moves files or directories.

Move-Item -Path "C:\Path\file.txt" -Destination "D:\Archive"

Network Management

11. Test-Connection: Tests network connectivity, similar to the ping command.

Test-Connection -ComputerName

12. Get-NetIPAddress: Retrieves IP address configuration on the system.


13. Get-NetAdapter: Displays network adapter information.


14. Get-DnsClientCache: Retrieves the DNS client cache.


15. Set-DnsClientServerAddress: Changes the DNS server for a network adapter.

Set-DnsClientServerAddress -InterfaceAlias "Ethernet" -ServerAddresses ""

Task Automation and Scheduling

16. Start-ScheduledTask: Starts a scheduled task.

Start-ScheduledTask -TaskName "MyTask"

17. Get-ScheduledTask: Lists all scheduled tasks.


18. New-ScheduledTask: Creates a new scheduled task.

New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -At 8AM

19. Unregister-ScheduledTask: Deletes a scheduled task.

Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName "OldTask"

20. Set-ScheduledTask: Modifies an existing scheduled task.

Set-ScheduledTask -TaskName "MyTask" -Trigger $trigger

User and Permissions Management

21. Get-LocalUser: Retrieves all local users on the system.


22. New-LocalUser: Creates a new local user.

New-LocalUser -Name "JohnDoe" -Password (ConvertTo-SecureString "P@ssw0rd" -AsPlainText -Force)

23. Remove-LocalUser: Deletes a local user account.

Remove-LocalUser -Name "JohnDoe"

24. Get-LocalGroup: Lists all local groups.


25. Add-LocalGroupMember: Adds a user to a local group.

Here we have learn usage of powershell commands. We will continue this blog with part 2 in next blog. Till then stay tune, happy learning…



Nikhil Chaudhari
Nikhil Chaudhari

Written by Nikhil Chaudhari

I am (🦊) Cloud Security Researcher | | SOC Analyst | Passionate about learning & writing new technologies, tools & automations.

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